Case study
“Saboo-Car-Rental-Services” is a car rental showroom ,who want to automate their business.
They offer different types of cars on rent as small car,SUV,MUV.
Each type of car has the maximum seating available and the tariff per kilometer.
The management wants the system to show availability of the number of cars of each type for serving the inquiry.The system should have a provision for booking the car.
Before the booking is made ,the customer needs to provide personal information and driving license details.
Booking is typically stored as booking date,date of rent,duration in hours and type of vehicle.
Once the booking is done a unique booking number is provided to the customer for their reference which they need to produce at the time they come to collect the car.
A new transaction record is created for each booking after the car is returned,specifying the kilometers used and the amount to be paid ,date of payment.”